How to Beat a Hangover


Let’s be clear: I’m not condoning binge drinking in any way. But we are human, and sometimes we need to let loose a little.

Because even moderate alcohol consumption can take its toll on the body, I thought it’d be helpful to put together my best tips for avoiding the dreaded hangover. Follow these suggestions, and I promise you’ll feel a world of difference!

  1. Hydrate like crazy leading up to the event. Hangovers are mostly caused by dehydration. Ironically, this is the easiest factor to control! Drink at least 90 ounces the day before, then hydrate throughout the revelry as well. Drink tea, water, sparkling water, electrolyte drinks…anything you can sip on that doesn’t have caffeine or sugar.

  2. Exercise the day of the event (not after). Exercise has been shown to protect the liver from alcohol-related inflammation. I also think a good workout does wonders for one’s stress level and mood—both of which can impact enthusiasm for drinking. Get a good workout in the day before drinking, then skip it the day after (when you’re dehydrated and exhausted). 

  3. Stick to clear alcohols. It’s not that dark alcohols have more sugar (they don’t.). It’s that they have more toxins. Chemicals called congeners that accumulate during the fermentation process are more present in dark alcohol, and have been shown to make hangovers worse. Stick to lighter spirits and wine to minimize this effect.

  4. Avoid added sugars. Sugar and alcohol compete for processing in the liver, which means the sweeter your drink is, the longer it takes for your body to detoxify the alcohol. This is especially true of fruit sugar, which is entirely processed in the liver. Not to mention, drinks that taste like candy tend to go down pretty fast!

  5. Drink water or sparkling water in between each alcoholic drink. Sometimes you just want something to hold and sip on. Sparkling water is great for this.

  6. The next day, sweat it out sleep it off. The “sweat it out” trick can be tempting, but you are WAY too dehydrated to lose more precious water. If you crave movement and the endorphins that come with it, opt for a gentler workout that doesn’t cause you to break a sweat. Or sip some tea and go back to bed. 

  7. Take a high quality B complex. Ever wonder why you feel so emotionally rotten after indulging?B Vitamins are involved in several biochemical reactions crucial for energy, mood, and cognition—and alcohol depletes them fast. I recommend Designs for Health, in addition to eating good quality meat and fish.

  8. Try a no-sugar electrolyte drink. Electrolytes are key to maintaining hydration and helping that water actually get into the cells that need it. I love LMNT because it has no added sugars or sugar alcohols, and tastes amazing too!

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